Class health guidelines


What you can expect:

  • Hand santitiser available

  • Class capacity is limited and mats will be spaced as per government regulations

  • At least one door will be left open for air circulation

  • No yoga props (eye pillows, blankets) are available, you are encouraged to bring your own

  • Mats will be cleaned after every class, you are encouraged to bring your own

  • A student register will be taken for each class

  • No physcial adjustments will be provided

What is asked of you:

  • Please do not come to class if you are feeling unwell or have any cold or flu symptoms or have been in contact with someone with these symptoms

  • Please wash or sterilize your hands on arrival

  • Please bring your own yoga props - mat, and if you wish to use additional props in your practice such as a bolster, or towel to place over a studio bolster, eye pillow, blanket, block, cushion etc (props are not essential to the class)

  • Face masks may be removed for your yoga practice

  • If at any time you feel uncomfortable or at risk in the class please speak with your teacher